When does a state measure become subject to compensation as an indirect expropriation under international law? The author examines claims of indirect takings from such fora as the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, the European Court of Human Rights, and arbitral panels in investment treaty arbitrations.


Investment tribunals’ tentative moves to proportionality analysis in the context of indirect expropriation indicates that proportionality may be crystallizing as a norm in relation to when the police powers doctrine applies to defeat a claim of expropriation. Similar developments can be seen in relation to fair and equitable treatment.

This is more common in indirect expropriation, and could refer to an example where an increase in regulation prevents a foreign government or corporation from being able to use their asset. Regulatory Freedom and Indirect Expropriation in Investment Arbitration presents a conceptual framework for the scope, relationship and method for delineating between regulatory freedom and indirect expropriation and ways for resolving these issues in practice. Indirect expropriation. In case of an Indirect expropriation, the investor’s legal title to its investment often remains unaffected and it may have physical control of its property, but the investment will still be deprived of its economic use. 3 2. States' Reassertion of Control over International Investment Law: (Re)Defining ‘Fair and Equitable Treatment’ and ‘Indirect Expropriation’ Eric De Brabandere; Published online: 12 January 2017 indirect expropriation are inherently more nebulous. At present, arbitral tribunals have applied a variety of standards to ascertain when indirect expropriation occurs.

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Last week, Andrew posted about the possibility of an exception to investment obligations, as part of the TTIP. I'm interested to see where exceptions of this sort can take us in terms of preserving policy space, but I think we should also consider the obligations themselves as part of this debate. hesitant to expropriate directly, they use a number of indirect expropriation methods which is so-called „creeping expropriation or indirect expropriation‟8 or sometimes called general or specific governmental measures9. Whatever methods employed to take-over foreign asserts, latter form of expropriation is called “indirect expropriation” or “regulatory takings.” The question is how to draw a dividing line between a state’s "‘Indirect Expropriation’ and the ‘Right to Regulate’ in International Investment Law" identifies the main criteria found in investment agreements and used by tribunals to articulate the difference between the two concepts. The final paper looks at most favoured nation treatment. Skyddet mot direkt expropriation som finns i de flesta investeringsavtal är i stort sett överensstämmande med svensk rätt, medan skyddet mot indirekt expropriation sträcker sig något längre än svensk rätt. Enligt Kommerskollegium har artikeln om expropriation sannolikt en svag påverkan på Sveriges ”rätt att reglera”.

Expropriation har utvidgats till att omfatta åtgärder som kan likställas med expropriation, indirekt och lagstiftningsmässig expropriation. EurLex-2. Exceptions to 

54 to determine what constitutes indirect expropriation, whereby the crucial factor in determining whether an indirect expropriation has occurred is solely the effect of the governmental measure on the property. Thus, the purpose behind the regulatory measure is irrelevant under the sole effects test. 2006] INDIRECT EXPROPRIATION UNDER NAFTA AND DR-CAFTA 935 be interpreted in future cases to grant more investor protection at the expense of state regulatory activity than is granted under NAFTA. This inconsistency could lead to problems for both investment exporters and host countries.

Indirekt expropriation

8 Jan 2019 Most investment treaties explicitly address indirect expropriation as well as direct expropriation. For example, Article IV(1) of the US–Argentina 

19. 3.4 En tydlig, enhetlig standard för indirekt expropriation? 21.

Indirekt expropriation

In an unprecedented move, compa- nies have begun  Posts Tagged 'Indirect Expropriation'. Stocktaking of investment protection provisions in EU agreements and Member States' bilateral investment treaties and their  11 Dec 2016 It seeks to answer if the ITA tribunals, while judging if a host State's regulatory measures amount to indirect expropriation or not, have been able  Henckels, C. (2012).
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In case of an Indirect expropriation, the investor's legal title to its investment often remains unaffected and it may have  Protection against Indirect Expropriation under National and International Legal. Systems.

Baserat på problematiken att åtgärder vidtagna för att tillgodose ett allmänt eller publikt intresse kan anses utgöra en indirekt expropriation och svårigheten att anpassa modellen till varje unikt fall har lett till slutsatsen att en sådan enhetlig standard inte bör införas i den internationella investeringsrätten.}, author = {Düppe, Elisabeth}, keyword = {Folkrätt,Internationell investeringsrätt,Skydd för utländska investeringar,Indirekt Expropriation}, language = {swe Expropriation, ett rättsligt förfarande där ägaren av en fastighet mot ekonomisk ersättning tvingas överlåta äganderätten till en annan part. Expropriation kan även gälla enbart nyttjanderätten av en fastighet, detta innebär att ägaren behåller äganderätten men tvingas överlåta rätten att använda, hyra eller arrendera fastigheten till en annan part.
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Indirekt expropriation införas i den internationella investeringsrätten? Metod och om den inte är direkt riktad mot en investering eller ekonomisk 

Fråga 2 . Hyresgästen är jättenöjd då denna har hört att man vid lokalhyra har något som kallas för indirekt besittningsskydd. Hyresgästen lägger därför  liksom vid nyttjanderättsformen anläggningsarrende , föreligger ett indirekt dvs . jämföra utfallet av denna med en sannolik utveckling utan expropriation . av expropriation, tvångsvis fastighetsreglering och ledningsrätt samt förköp.